Monday, July 14, 2014

John's Co-Op Classes

John is teaching a hand full of courses to home school co-ops and/or groups of 12 or more home schooled kids. He's excited to have the time and opportunity to be a male mentor to home school students - teaching them subjects that he loves, has experience with, and that are great skills to share and learn. Here's what he's teaching:

Available Courses and Descriptions:

1.       Beginning Kung Fu
a.       Get in shape while learning the ancient martial art of Kung Fu.  Blended with principles of physiology and character, it is one of the best ways to learn self-defense, fitness, and control!  You will be learning from a 2nd degree black belt with 18 years’ experience and 6 years of instructing. (Age range: 5+)

2.       Spanish
a.       Not only is Spanish is one of the most common second languages in America- it is also a strong Latin based language that gives the student a deeper knowledge of English.  Increased vocabulary and a students’ ability to understand unfamiliar English words are two underestimated natural results that come from studying this language. (Age range: 8+)

3.       Chinese
a.       Mandarin Chinese is one of the most spoken languages worldwide and one of the most popular languages to study in today’s global economy.  Students will learn grammar, writing, and spoken dynamics of Mandarin Chinese. Don’t be intimidated by the characters!  They are fun to learn and have an artistic beauty that is enriching to learn. (Age range: 8+)

4.       Public Speaking and Presentations
a.       Learn the individual dynamics of speaking and presenting.  This course will cover the basic principles of public speaking, how to use Power Point and other free online presentation software tools, and finally how to combine both speech and technology to make an effective presentation. (Age range: 10+)

5.       Beginning Business and Entrepreneurship
a.       Learn what it takes to start your own business!  This course covers principles of morality in business, deciding on what to do, funding options, business types, team building and leadership, polling, demographic research, pushing through tough times, and service.  This course is a combination of high school curriculum, college courses, and 10 years of being an entrepreneur. (Age range: 10+)

6.       Computer and Internet Theory
a.       Learn what makes computers and all digital devices tick!  In this class we will take apart a computer and put it back together, learn what can be upgraded and how to do it, discover the math and science behind how information travels between computers on the internet, find out what you can do to maintain a computer, keep it safe from malware and viruses, and finally, keep yourself safe from dangerous stalkers and identity thieves. (Age range: 10+)

7.       Movie Making and Videography
a.       Learn the basics of modern videography.  In this class we will learn how to use the basic settings found on almost all video devices- including smart phones, principles of lighting and framing, sound, editing software, basic special effects, story-boarding, media formats, and ways to make money using videography skills. (Age range: 10+)

John Orgill spent 3 years teaching Seminary, 2 years as a middle and high school teacher and cheerleading coach, 6 years as a kung fu instructor, 10 years as a self-employed videographer, and 7 years as an IT administrator.  He has received some of the best training available in classroom instruction over the years and loves teaching the youth of America.
He is currently working on writing a book titled, The Gift of Time: The Great Educational Sacrifice, discussing the shortcomings of American educational models and beliefs and the best things homeschooling parents can do no matter what method they choose to follow. This book is a summary of experiences and lessons John learned being a home school parent in a public school curriculum.

Cost for these courses are as follows:

Kung-Fu classes: 1 hour, 1 x week: $25 per month or $75 per semester. Minimum of 12 students per class.

All other courses: 1 hour, 1 x week: $65 per semester. Minimum of 12 students per class.

You may contact John at: jorgill(at)gmail(dot)com

Thank you!!

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